
PRISM-games: Publications

79 publications:

Underlying models, logics and algorithms for PRISM-games (17)

  • [KNPS22] Marta Kwiatkowska, Gethin Norman, David Parker and Gabriel Santos. Correlated Equilibria and Fairness in Concurrent Stochastic Games. In Proc. 28th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS'22), volume 13244 of LNCS, pages 60–78, Springer. April 2022. [pdf] [bib] [Presents novel techniques for synthesising equilibria in stochastic games, implemented in PRISM-games.]
  • [KNPS21] Marta Kwiatkowska, Gethin Norman, David Parker and Gabriel Santos. Automatic Verification of Concurrent Stochastic Systems. Formal Methods in System Design, 58, pages 188–250, Springer. 2021. [pdf] [bib] [Proposes verification techniques for concurrent stochastic games, and implements and evaluates them in an extension of PRISM-games. ]
  • [San21] Gabriel Santos. Automatic Verification and Strategy Synthesis for Zero-sum and Equilibria Properties of Concurrent Stochastic Games. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford. March 2021. [pdf] [bib] [Develops a variety of verification and strategy synthesis techniques for concurrent stochastic games, implemented in PRISM-games.]
  • [KNPS20b] Marta Kwiatkowska, Gethin Norman, David Parker and Gabriel Santos. Multi-player Equilibria Verification for Concurrent Stochastic Games. In Proc. 17th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST'20), Springer. August 2020. [pdf] [bib] [Presents techniques for model checking CSGs against equilibria-based properties over multiple coalitions, implemented in PRISM-games.]
  • [KNP19] Marta Kwiatkowska, Gethin Norman and David Parker. Verification and Control of Turn-Based Probabilistic Real-Time Games. In The Art of Modelling Computational Systems: A Journey from Logic and Concurrency to Security and Privacy (Essays Dedicated to Catuscia Palamidessi on the Occasion of Her 60th Birthday), volume 11760 of LNCS, pages 379-396, Springer. November 2019. [pdf] [bib] [Proposes techniques for verifying probabilistic real-time games building on methods implemented in PRISM-games.]
  • [KNPS19] Marta Kwiatkowska, Gethin Norman, David Parker and Gabriel Santos. Equilibria-based Probabilistic Model Checking for Concurrent Stochastic Games. In Proc. 23rd International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM'19), volume 11800 of LNCS, pages 298-315, Springer. October 2019. [pdf] [bib] [Develops verification methods for stochastic games using Nash equilibria, implemented in PRISM-games.]
  • [KNPS18] Marta Kwiatkowska, Gethin Norman, David Parker and Gabriel Santos. Automated Verification of Concurrent Stochastic Games. In Proc. 15th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST'18), volume 11024 of LNCS, pages 223-239, Springer. September 2018. [pdf] [bib] [Proposes verification techniques for concurrent stochastic games, and implements and evaluates them in an extension of PRISM-games.]
  • [BKW17] Nicolas Basset, Marta Kwiatkowska and Clemens Wiltsche. Compositional Strategy Synthesis for Stochastic Games with Multiple Objectives. Information and Computation, 261(3), pages 536-587. 2017. [pdf] [bib] [Proposes multi-objective strategy synthesis techniques for stochastic games, along with a compositional assume-guarantee strategy synthesis framework.]
  • [Wil15] Clemens Wiltsche. Assume-Guarantee Strategy Synthesis for Stochastic Games. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford. 2015. [pdf] [bib] [Develops strategy synthesis techniques for stochastic games, in particular, compositional methods based on assume-guarantee rules.]
  • [BKTW15] Nicolas Basset, Marta Kwiatkowska, Ufuk Topcu and Clemens Wiltsche. Strategy Synthesis for Stochastic Games with Multiple Long-Run Objectives. In Proc. 21st International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS'15), volume 9035 of LNCS, pages 256-271, Springer. April 2015. [pdf] [bib] [Proposes strategy synthesis for stochastic games with multiple long-run objectives, implemented in an extension of PRISM.]
  • [BKW14] Nicolas Basset, Marta Kwiatkowska and Clemens Wiltsche. Compositional Controller Synthesis for Stochastic Games. In P. Baldan and D. Gorla (editors), Proc. 25th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR'14), volume 8704 of LNCS, pages 173-187, Springer. September 2014. [pdf] [bib] [Proposes compositional assume-guarantee strategy synthesis techniques for stochastic 2-player games.]
  • [Sim14] Aistis Simaitis. Automatic Verification of Competitive Stochastic Systems. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford. March 2014. [pdf] [bib] [Presents novel techniques for verification using stochastic multi-player games and implements them in PRISM-games, an extension of PRISM.]
  • [CFK+13c] Taolue Chen, Vojtech Forejt, Marta Kwiatkowska, Aistis Simaitis and Clemens Wiltsche. On Stochastic Games with Multiple Objectives. In Proc. 38th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS'13), volume 8087 of LNCS, pages 266-277, Springer. August 2013. [pdf] [bib] [Studies strategy synthesis and Pareto set approximation for multiple reward objectives in stochastic 2-player games.]
  • [CKSW13] Taolue Chen, Marta Kwiatkowska, Aistis Simaitis and Clemens Wiltsche. Synthesis for Multi-Objective Stochastic Games: An Application to Autonomous Urban Driving. In Proc. 10th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST'13), volume 8054 of LNCS, pages 322-337, Springer. August 2013. [pdf] [bib] [Proposes multi-objective strategy synthesis techniques for stochastic games, implemented in PRISM-games, and applies them to an autonomous vehicle case study.]
  • [CFK+13b] Taolue Chen, Vojtěch Forejt, Marta Kwiatkowska, David Parker and Aistis Simaitis. Automatic Verification of Competitive Stochastic Systems. Formal Methods in System Design, 43(1), pages 61-92, Springer. August 2013. [pdf] [bib] [Introduces model checking techniques for stochastic multi-player games, implemented in the PRISM-games tool.]
  • [CFK+12b] Taolue Chen, Vojtěch Forejt, Marta Kwiatkowska, Aistis Simaitis, Ashutosh Trivedi and Michael Ummels. Playing Stochastic Games Precisely. In 23rd International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR'12), volume 7454 of LNCS, pages 348-363, Springer. September 2012. [pdf] [bib] [Proposes model checking techniques for stochastic games against temporal logic properties with precise bounds, as implemented in PRISM-games.]
  • [CFK+12] Taolue Chen, Vojtěch Forejt, Marta Kwiatkowska, David Parker and Aistis Simaitis. Automatic Verification of Competitive Stochastic Systems. In Proc. 18th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS'12), volume 7214 of LNCS, pages 315-330, Springer. March 2012. [pdf] [bib] [Introduces model checking techniques for stochastic multi-player games, implemented in the PRISM-games tool.]

Case studies using PRISM-games (29)

Techniques and tools building on PRISM-games (23)

Tool papers (4)

Survey/tutorial papers (5)

Others (1)

  • [ABB+24] Roman Andriushchenko, Alexander Bork, Carlos E. Budde, Milan Češka, Kush Grover, Ernst Moritz Hahn, Arnd Hartmanns, Bryant Israelsen, Nils Jansen, Joshua Jeppson, Sebastian Junges, Maximilian A. Köhl, Bettina Könighofer, Jan Křetínský, Tobias Meggendorfer, David Parker, Stefan Pranger, Tim Quatmann, Enno Ruijters, Landon Taylor, Matthias Volk, Maximilian Weininger and Zhen Zhang. Tools at the Frontiers of Quantitative Verification. In TOOLympics Challenge 2023, volume 14550 of LNCS, pages 90-146, Springer. November 2024. [pdf] [bib] [Write-up of the third edition of QComp, which surveys the state of the art in quantitative verification tools, including PRISM, PRISM-games, and their extensions, amongst many others.]
