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Welcome to the manual for PRISM. This document is the main source of information regarding the installation and operation of the PRISM tool. For access to other resources, such as related publications and details of case studies, or to download the tool itself, see the main PRISM website.

Which version of PRISM does this manual describe?

This manual describes version 4.8.1. In general, the online copy of the manual corresponds to the most recent publically available version of PRISM (including beta versions). If you need the manual for an older version of PRISM, use the version included in that distribution.

How do I search the manual?

This documentation is continuously updated and is best viewed online. If you are reading this online, you can use the built-in search facility (there is a link in the grey box at the top of each page). For a nicer search interface (but possibly not 100% up-to-date index), you can also search with Google, using the search box in the banner at the top of the site.

If you are browsing these pages off-line, for example using the copy distributed with the tool, you can view the whole manual on one page and use the search functionality of your browser.

How do I print the manual?

To print an individual page of the manual click on the "Print" link at the top-right hand corner of the page (in the online version) and print the page from your web browser. You can also print an entire section (see the "View all" link under the contents on the left) or the entire manual in this way.

More questions?

If you have a question about PRISM and you cannot find the answer in this manual, please use the discussion group provided. Check the support section of the PRISM website for details.

PRISM Manual

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