[KPS13] Marta Kwiatkowska, David Parker and Aistis Simaitis. Strategic Analysis of Trust Models for User-Centric Networks. In Proc. 1st International Workshop on Strategic Reasoning (SR'13), volume 112 of EPTCS, pages 53-60. March 2013. [pdf] [bib] [Analyses a cooperation model for user-centric networks using PRISM-games.]
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Abstract. We present a strategic analysis of a trust model that has recently been proposed for promoting cooperative behaviour in user-centric networks. The mechanism for cooperation is based on a combination of reputation and virtual currency schemes in which service providers reward paying customers and punish non-paying ones by adjusting their reputation and hence the price they pay for services. We model and analyse this system using PRISM-games, a tool that performs automated verification and strategy synthesis for stochastic multi-player games using the temporal logic rPATL. We construct optimal strategies for both service users and providers, which expose potential risks of the cooperation mechanism and which we use to devise improvements that counteract these risks.
