Marta Kwiatkowska, Gethin Norman and David Parker.
Controller Dependability Analysis By Probabilistic Model Checking.
In Proc. 11th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM'04), pages 177-182, Elsevier.
April 2004.
[Illustrates the applicability of probabilistic model checking and PRISM to analysing dependability properties for a simple model of a software-based control systems.]
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We demonstrate how probabilistic model checking,
a formal verification method for the analysis of systems which exhibit stochastic behaviour,
can be applied to the study of dependability properties of software-based control systems.
We provide an overview of these techniques and of the probabilistic model checking tool PRISM,
illustrating the usefulness of the approach through a small case study.
By using existing formalisms and tool support, we show how it is possible to construct
large and complex Markov models from an intuitive high-level description.
Furthermore, we are able to take advantage of the efficient implementation
techniques which have been developed for these tools.