// Trust models for user-centric networks based on the TSG in
// M. Kwiatkowska, D. Parker and A. Simaitis
// Strategic analysis of trust models for user-centric networks. 
// In: Proc. SR’13. EPTCS, vol. 112, pp. 53–60 (2013)
// (have simplified the reward structures)
// gxn/ghrs 25/03/18

// originally based on the trust model of
// A. Bogliolo, P. Polidori, A. Aldini, W. Moreira, P. Mendes, M. Yildiz, C. Ballester, and J.-M. Seigneur. 
// Virtual Currency and Reputation-Based Cooperation Incentives in User-Centric Networks. 
// In: Proc. IWCMC-2012, Cyprus, 2012

// concurrent stochastic game

const int K; // number of services
const int td; // trust model

// model parameters
const double alpha_all = 0.8; // recommendation influence parameter
const int st_init_all = med; // initial service trust for all providers
const int reduct_all = td; // trust decrease for all providers
const bool hide_all = true; // allow information hiding
const double cancel = 0.05; // probability to cancel fair request
const bool init_know_all = true; // sharing of initial trust
const double die_prob = 0; // probability provider dies after serving a request
const int cmax = 10; // maximum service cost 
const int cmin = 2; // minimum service cost

player requesterm

player requester1

player requester2

player requester3

player provider1

player provider2

player provider3

// probability to share information
formula rev_prob = know21&(trust11>trust21) | know31&(trust11>trust31) ? 0 : 1;

formula ps = ps1 + ps2 + ps3 + psm; // paid services
formula nps = nps1 + nps2 + nps3; // not paid for services

module requester_m
	xm : [0..2];
	psm : [0..K];
	// buy the service off-market
	[buym] xm=0 & ps+nps<K -> (xm'=1);
	[waitm] xm=0 & ps+nps<K -> true; // allow the requester to contact a different requester
	[paym] xm=1 -> (xm'=0) & (psm'=min(K,psm+1));
	// finish
	[done] xm+x1+x2+x3=0 & y1+y2+y3=0 & ps+nps>=K -> (xm'=2);
	[done] xm=2 -> true;


label "finished" = xm=2; // requester finished

module requester1

	x1 : [0..2] init 0;  // states of the module
	//ns1 : [0..K] init 0; // number of requested services
	ps1 : [0..K] init 0; // number of payed services
	nps1 : [0..K] init 0; // number of unpayed services

	unpaid1 : bool init false;

	[try11] x1=0 & ps+nps<K & y1=0 -> (x1'=1) & (unpaid1'=false);
	[wait1] x1=0 & ps+nps<K -> true; // allow the user to contact a different provider
	[r1,accept11] x1=1 & y1=3 -> (x1'=2);
	[r1,refuse11] x1=1 & y1=4 -> (x1'=0);
	[pay11] x1=2 -> (x1'=0) & (ps1'=min(K,ps1+1));
	[nopay11] x1=2 -> (x1'=0) & (nps1'=min(K,nps1+1)) & (unpaid1'=true); 


module requester2 = requester1[x1=x2,ps1=ps2,ps2=ps3,ps3=ps1,nps1=nps2,nps2=nps3,nps3=nps1,unpaid1=unpaid2,try11=try21,accept11=accept21,refuse11=refuse21,pay11=pay21,nopay11=nopay21,wait1=wait2,y1=y2,r1=r2] endmodule

module requester3 = requester1[x1=x3,ps1=ps3,ps2=ps1,ps3=ps2,nps1=nps3,nps2=nps1,nps3=nps2,unpaid1=unpaid3,try11=try31,accept11=accept31,refuse11=refuse31,pay11=pay31,nopay11=nopay31,wait1=wait3,y1=y3,r1=r3] endmodule

// factor alpha of the cost formula
const double alpha1 = alpha_all;
const double alpha2 = alpha_all; 
const double alpha3 = alpha_all;
// trust formula
formula trusteq1 = min(top, !know21 & !know31 ? trust11 : floor(alpha1*trust11 + (1-alpha1)*recommend));
formula recommend = ((know21 ? trust21 : 0) + (know31 ? trust31 : 0)) / ((know21 ? 1 : 0) + (know31 ? 1 : 0));

// initial knowledge parameters
const bool init_know11 = init_know_all;
const bool init_know21 = init_know_all;
const bool init_know31 = init_know_all;

// initial trust parameters
const int dt_init1 = st_init_all; // dispositional trust
const int st_init1 = st_init_all; // service trust level 
const int trust_init1 = dt_init1; // initial trust
const int tth_init1 = high; // trust threshold (see the cost formula)

const int dt_init2 = st_init_all;
const int st_init2 = st_init_all;
const int trust_init2 = dt_init2; 
const int tth_init2 = high;

const int dt_init3 = st_init_all;
const int st_init3 = st_init_all;
const int trust_init3 = dt_init3; 
const int tth_init3 = high;

// trust reduction rates (0:NULL; 1:-1; 2:-2)
const int reduct1 = reduct_all;
const int reduct2 = reduct_all;
const int reduct3 = reduct_all;

// enable information withholding
// info about requester 1
const bool hide11 = hide_all;
const bool hide21 = hide_all;
const bool hide31 = hide_all; 

module provider1

	alive1 : bool init true;

	y1 : [0..4] init 0; // states of the module
	st1 : [0..level] init st_init1; // service trust level
	dt1 : [0..level] init dt_init1; // dispositional trust
	tth1 : [0..level] init tth_init1; // trust threshold (see the cost formula)

	trust11 : [0..level] init trust_init1; // trust towards the requester
	know11 : bool init init_know11; // interaction flag

	// initiate connection with requester
	[p1,try11] alive1 & y1=0  & ps+nps<K -> 
	   ((trusteq1 < st1) ? 1 : 0) + ((trusteq1 < st1) ? 0 : 1) * cancel : (y1'=4) 
     + (1-(((trusteq1 < st1) ? 1 : 0) + ((trusteq1 < st1) ? 0 : 1) * cancel)) : (y1'=3);
	[p1,try11] !alive1 & y1=0  & ps+nps<K -> (y1'=4);
	[p1,wait1] y1=0  & ps+nps<K -> true;

	// accept or refuse requester1
	[accept11] y1=3 -> (y1'=1);
	[refuse11] y1=4 -> (y1'=0); 

	// settle payment with requester1
	[p1,pay11] (y1=1) -> (y1'=2) & (trust11' = (trust11 < top ? trust11+1 : top));
	[p1,nopay11] (reduct1=1) & (y1=1) -> (y1'=2) & (trust11'=(trust11>null?trust11-1 : null));
	[p1,nopay11] (reduct1=2) & (y1=1) -> (y1'=2) & (trust11'=(trust11>null?trust11-2 : null));
	[p1,nopay11] (reduct1=0) & (y1=1) -> (y1'=2) & (trust11'=null);

	// decide to reveal info about requester to other providers or not
	[reveal11] (y1=2) ->  (1-die_prob) * rev_prob : (y1'=0) & (know11'=true) 
	  + (1-die_prob) * (1-rev_prob) : (y1'=0) & (know11'=false)
      + die_prob : (y1'=0) & (alive1'=false) & (trust11'=trust_init1) & (know11'=false);
	[notreveal11] hide11 & (y1=2) -> (y1'=0) & (know11'=false);


module provider2 = provider1 [y1=y2, st1=st2, dt1=dt2, tth1=tth2, trust11=trust21, know11=know21, alive1=alive2, alpha1=alpha2, trust21=trust11, know21=know11, dt_init1=dt_init2, st_init1=st_init2, trust_init1=trust_init2, tth_init1=tth_init2, try11=try21, init_know11=init_know21, accept11=accept21, refuse11=refuse21, p1=p2, pay11=pay21, nopay11=nopay21, reduct1=reduct2, reveal11=reveal21, notreveal11=notreveal21, hide11=hide21, wait1=wait2]

module provider3 = provider1 [y1=y3, st1=st3, dt1=dt3, tth1=tth3, trust11=trust31, know11=know31, alive1=alive3, alpha1=alpha3, trust31=trust11, know31=know11, dt_init1=dt_init3, st_init1=st_init3, trust_init1=trust_init3, tth_init1=tth_init3, try11=try31, init_know11=init_know31, accept11=accept31, refuse11=refuse31, p1=p3, pay11=pay31, nopay11=nopay31, reduct1=reduct3, reveal11=reveal31, notreveal11=notreveal31, hide11=hide31, wait1=wait3]

// trust level aliases
const int level = 10;
const int null = 0;
const int low = 2;
const int med = 5;
const int high = 8;
const int top = 10;

// highest price in the market
formula max_price = max((trust11 < tth1) ? cmin + ceil(((cmax - cmin) / tth1) * (tth1 - trust11)) : cmin, (trust21 < tth2) ? cmin + ceil(((cmax - cmin) / tth2) * (tth2 - trust21)) : cmin, (trust31 < tth3) ? cmin + ceil(((cmax - cmin) / tth3) * (tth3 - trust31)) : cmin);
//formula max_price = cmax;

// maximum difference between trust
formula max_diff = max(max(trust11-trust21,trust21-trust11), max(trust11-trust31,trust31-trust11), max(trust21-trust31,trust31-trust21));

//  cost of obtaining services
rewards "cost"
	[pay11] true : (trust11+1 < tth1) ? cmin + ceil(((cmax - cmin) / tth1) * (tth1 - (trust11+1))) : cmin; 
	[pay21] true : (trust21+1 < tth2) ? cmin + ceil(((cmax - cmin) / tth2) * (tth2 - (trust21+1))) : cmin;
	[pay31] true : (trust31+1 < tth3) ? cmin + ceil(((cmax - cmin) / tth3) * (tth3 - (trust31+1))) : cmin;
	[paym] true : max_price;

// number of unpaid out of total
rewards "unpayed"
	[done] xm+x1+x2+x3=0 & nps+ps=K : -nps;

// ratio of unpaid
rewards "ratio"
	[done] xm+x1+x2+x3=0 & ps+nps=K : -nps/K;