// Futures market investor (McIver and Morgan 2007)
// Extended to two investors


player investor1 [invest1], [noinvest1], [cashin1] endplayer
player investor2 [invest2], [noinvest2], [cashin2] endplayer
player market [nobar], [bar1], [bar2], [bar12], sched, [month], [done] endplayer

const int months; // number of months

module sched
	m: [0..4];
	// 0 choose who to schedule
	// 1 schedule investor 1
	// 2 schedule investor 2
	// 3 decide on baring
	// 4 month runs
	s1 : [0..2]; // has investor 1 been scheduled
	s2 : [0..2]; // has investor 2 been scheduled
	r : [0..months];
	cashin : [0..1]; // used for reward values (when both cash in during the same round
	// schedule investors
	[] m=0 & s1=0 & s2!=1 & i1!=2 & (r<months | i1=1 & b1=0) -> (s1'=1);
	[] m=0 & s2=0 & s1!=1 & i2!=2 & (r<months | i2=1 & b2=0) -> (s2'=1);
	[] m=0 & (s1=2 | i1=2) & (s2=2 | i2=2) & r<months -> (m'=1) & (s1'=0) & (s2'=0) & (cashin'=0);
	// at the start of the month, investors makes decisions or cashes in
	[noinvest1] s1=1 -> (s1'=2); 
	[invest1] s1=1 -> (s1'=2);
	[noinvest2] s2=1 -> (s2'=2); 
	[invest2] s2=1 -> (s2'=2);
	[cashin1] s1=1 -> (s1'=2) & (cashin'=1);
	[cashin2] s2=1 -> (s2'=2) & (cashin'=1);
	// then, decision is made whether to bar or not
	[nobar] m=1 -> (m'=2);
	[bar1] m=1 -> (m'=2);
	[bar2] m=1 -> (m'=2);
	[bar12] m=1 -> (m'=2);
	// then, market changes
	[month] m=2 & r<months -> (m'=0) & (r'=r+1);

	// loop when finished
	[done] m=0 & !(r<months | (i1=1 & b1=0) | (i2=1 & b2=0)) -> true;
	// finished: either investors cashed in or reached final round and cannot cash in


// investor 1
module investor1
	// State: 0 = no reservation
	// 1 = made reservation
	// 2 = finished
	i1 : [0..2];
	// Decide whether to do nothing or make reservation
	[noinvest1] i1=0 | i1=1 & b1=1 -> (i1'=0);
	[invest1] i1=0 | i1=1 & b1=1 -> (i1'=1);
	// Cash in shares (if not barred)
	[cashin1] i1=1 & b1=0 -> (i1'=2);

// investor 2
module investor2=investor1[i1=i2,b1=b2,noinvest1=noinvest2,invest1=invest2,cashin1=cashin2] 

module market
	// state: 0 = !barred, 1 = barred
	b1 : [0..1] init 1;
	b2 : [0..1] init 1;
	// share value
	v : [0..10] init 5;
	// bar one or none of the investors
	[nobar] true -> (b1'=0) & (b2'=0);
	[bar1] b1=0 -> (b1'=1) & (b2'=0);
	[bar2] b2=0 -> (b2'=1) & (b1'=0);
	[bar12] b1=0 & b2=0 -> (b2'=1) & (b1'=1);
	[month] true -> p/10 : (v'=min(v+1,c)) + (1-p/10) : (v'=min(max(v-1,0),c));

module probability
	// Probability is p/pmax and initially the probability is approx 1/2
	p : [0..10] init 5;
	[month] v<5 -> 2/3 : (p'=min(p+1,10)) + 1/3 : (p'=max(p-1,0));
	[month] v=5 -> 1/2 : (p'=min(p+1,10)) + 1/2 : (p'=max(p-1,0));
	[month] v>5 -> 1/3 : (p'=min(p+1,10)) + 2/3 : (p'=max(p-1,0));

// cap on the value of the shares
module cap
	c : [0..10] init 10;
	[month] true -> 1/2 : (c'=max(c-1,0)) + 1/2 : (c'=c); // probability 1/2 the cap decreases

// labels
label "cashed_in1" = m=0 & (i1=2 | ((i1=0 | i1=1 & b1=1) & r=months));
label "cashed_in2" = m=0 & (i2=2 | ((i2=0 | i2=1 & b2=1) & r=months));
label "cashed_in12" = m=0 & (i1=2 | ((i1=0 | i1=1 & b1=1) & r=months)) & (i2=2 | ((i2=0 | i2=1 & b2=1) & r=months));

// normal market - investor 1
// (profit equals share value)
rewards "profit1"
	[cashin1] i1=1 & !(i2=1 & b2=0) : v;
	[cashin1] i1=1 & i2=1 & b2=0 : v*0.75;

// normal market - both investors
// (profit equals share value)
rewards "profit12"
	[cashin1] i1=1 & cashin=0 & !(i2=1 & b2=0) : v;
	[cashin1] i1=1 & (cashin=1 | (i2=1 & b2=0)) : v*0.75;
	[cashin2] i2=1 & cashin=0 & !(i1=1 & b1=0) : v;
	[cashin2] i2=1 & (cashin=1 | (i1=1 & b1=0)) : v*0.75;

// later cash-ins
// (profit increases for same share value if cashed-in later)
rewards "profit1_lc"
	[cashin1] i1=1 & !(i2=1 & b2=0) : v*(1 + (r-1)/months);
	[cashin1] i1=1 & i2=1 & b2=0 : v*(1 + (r-1)/months)*0.75;

// later cash-ins - both investors
// (profit increases for same share value if cashed-in later)
rewards "profit12_lc"
	[cashin1] i1=1 & cashin=0 & !(i2=1 & b2=0) : v*(1 + (r-1)/months);
	[cashin1] i1=1 & (cashin=1 | (i2=1 & b2=0)) : v*(1 + (r-1)/months)*0.75;
	[cashin2] i2=1 & cashin=0 & !(i1=1 & b1=0) : v*(1 + (r-1)/months);
	[cashin2] i2=1 & (cashin=1 | (i1=1 & b1=0)) : v*(1 + (r-1)/months)*0.75;

// later cash-ins with fluctuations - investor 1
//  (profit increases for same share value if cashed-in later but there are fluctuations)
rewards "profit1_mc"
	[cashin1] i1=1 & !(i2=1 & b2=0) : v*(1 + (r-1)/months)*(1 + mod(r,4)/3);
	[cashin1] i1=1 & i2=1 & b2=0 : v*(1 + (r-1)/months)*(1 + mod(r,4)/3)*0.75;

// later cash-ins with fluctuations - both investors
//  (profit increases for same share value if cashed-in later but there are fluctuations)
rewards "profit12_mc"
	[cashin1] i1=1 & cashin=0 & !(i2=1 & b2=0) : v*(1 + (r-1)/months)*(1 + mod(r,4)/3);
	[cashin1] i1=1 & (cashin=1 | (i2=1 & b2=0)) : v*(1 + (r-1)/months)*(1 + mod(r,4)/3)*0.75;
	[cashin2] i2=1 & cashin=0 & !(i1=1 & b1=0) : v*(1 + (r-1)/months)*(1 + mod(r,4)/3);
	[cashin2] i2=1 & (cashin=1 | (i1=1 & b1=0)) : v*(1 + (r-1)/months)*(1 + mod(r,4)/3)*0.75;

// earlier cash-ins - investor 1
//  (profit increases for same share value if cashed-in earlier)
rewards "profit1_ec"
	[cashin1] i1=1 & !(i2=1 & b2=0) : v*(1 + months/(5*(r+1)));
	[cashin1] i1=1 & i2=1 & b2=0 : v*(1 + months/(5*(r+1)))*0.75;

// earlier cash-ins - both investors
//  (profit increases for same share value if cashed-in earlier)
rewards "profit12_ec"
	[cashin1] i1=1 & cashin=0 & !(i2=1 & b2=0) : v*(1 + months/(5*(r+1)));
	[cashin1] i1=1 & (cashin=1 | (i2=1 & b2=0)) : v*(1 + months/(5*(r+1)))*0.75;
	[cashin2] i2=1 & cashin=0 & !(i1=1 & b1=0) : v*(1 + months/(5*(r+1)));
	[cashin2] i2=1 & (cashin=1 | (i1=1 & b1=0)) : v*(1 + months/(5*(r+1)))*0.75;