// radio jamming CSG model taken from
// A Stochastic Game Model for Jamming in Multi-Channel Cognitive Radio Systems
// Quanyan Zhu, Husheng Li, Zhu Han and Tamer Basar
// gxn 20/03/18

// user channels 1..3
// jamming channels 2..4


player user user endplayer
player jammer jammer endplayer

const int slots; // maximum time slots

// probabilities that channels change state
const double p01=0.75; // moves from free to busy
const double p10=0.75; // moves from busy to free
const double p00=1-p01;
const double p11=1-p10;

module time_slots // module to count the time slots

	t : [0..slots+1];
	[] t<=slots -> (t'=t+1);


module channel1 // module for channel 1

	s1 : [0..1] init 1; // 0 - free and 1 in use (initially in use)
	[] t<slots & s1=0 -> p00 : (s1'=0) + p01 : (s1'=1);
	[] t<slots & s1=1 -> p10 : (s1'=0) + p11 : (s1'=1);


// construct further channels with renaming
module channel2 = channel1[s1=s2] endmodule
module channel3 = channel1[s1=s3] endmodule
module channel4 = channel1[s1=s4] endmodule

module counter // module to count the number of messages sent correctly

	sent : [0..slots];

	[send1,jam2] t<slots -> (sent'=min(slots,(s1'=0)?sent+1:sent));
	[send1,jam3] t<slots -> (sent'=min(slots,(s1'=0)?sent+1:sent));
	[send1,jam4] t<slots -> (sent'=min(slots,(s1'=0)?sent+1:sent));

	[send2,jam3] t<slots -> (sent'=min(slots,(s2'=0)?sent+1:sent));
	[send2,jam4] t<slots -> (sent'=min(slots,(s2'=0)?sent+1:sent));

	[send3,jam2] t<slots -> (sent'=min(slots,(s3'=0)?sent+1:sent));
	[send3,jam4] t<slots -> (sent'=min(slots,(s3'=0)?sent+1:sent));

module user // user
	[send1] t<slots -> true;
	[send2] t<slots -> true;
	[send3] t<slots -> true;


module jammer // jammer module

	[jam2] t<slots -> true;
	[jam3] t<slots -> true;
	[jam4] t<slots -> true;


rewards "rew" // reward for messages sent correctly
	true : sent;