// Interval MDP model of a robot moving through
// terrain that is divided up into a 3×2 grid


// Parameter for width of some transition probability intervals
const double e;

module robot

	s : [0..5] init 0; // Current grid location

	[east] s=0 -> 0.6 : (s'=1) + 0.4 : (s'=0);
	[south] s=0 -> [0.4-e/4,0.4+e/4] : (s'=4) + [0.1-e/4,0.1+e/4] : (s'=1) + [0.5-e/4,0.5+e/4] : (s'=3);
	[east] s=1 -> 1 : (s'=2);
	[south] s=1 -> [0.5-e,0.5+e] : (s'=4) + [0.5-e,0.5+e] : (s'=2);
	[stuck] s=2 -> 1 : (s'=2);
	[stuck] s=3 -> 1 : (s'=3);
	[east] s=4 -> 1 : (s'=5);
	[west] s=4 -> 0.6 : (s'=3) + 0.4 : (s'=4);
	[north] s=5 -> 0.9 : (s'=2) + 0.1 : (s'=5);
	[west] s=5 -> 1 : (s'=4);


// Atomic propositions labelling states

label "hazard" = s=1;
label "goal1" = s=5;
label "goal2" = s=2|s=3;

// Reward structures

// Number of moves between locations
rewards "moves"
	[north] true : 1;
	[east] true : 1;
	[south] true : 1;
	[west] true : 1;