// Israeli-Jalfon self stabilising algorithm
// dxp/gxn 10/06/02


// variables to represent whether a process has a token or not
// note they are global because they can be updated by other processes
global q1  : [0..1];
global q2  : [0..1];
global q3  : [0..1];
global q4  : [0..1];
global q5  : [0..1];

// module of process 1
module process1
	[] (q1=1) -> 0.5 : (q1'=0) & (q5'=1) + 0.5 : (q1'=0) & (q2'=1);

// add further processes through renaming
module process2 = process1 [ q1=q2, q2=q3, q5=q1 ] endmodule
module process3 = process1 [ q1=q3, q2=q4, q5=q2 ] endmodule
module process4 = process1 [ q1=q4, q2=q5, q5=q3 ] endmodule
module process5 = process1 [ q1=q5, q2=q1, q5=q4 ] endmodule

// reward structure: steps taken by algorithm
rewards "steps"
	true : 1;

// reward structure: number of tokens
rewards "tokens"
	true : num_tokens;

// formula, for use here and in properties: number of tokens
formula num_tokens = q1+q2+q3+q4+q5;

// label - stable configurations (1 token)
label "stable" = num_tokens=1;

// initial states (at least one token)
	num_tokens >= 1