// POPTA model of NRL pump // dxp/gxn 28/08/14 // high is trying to send either 0 or 1 to low through a number of messages // we assume high uses delays h0 and h1 to transmit either 0 or 1 // also assume high always sends with this delay // so this is the average recorded by the pump // low sends repeated messages to try and figure out what high is transmitting // based on the time until it receives acks for the messages from the pump // model is a POPTA popta // can see the state of the pump and its local variables and all clocks observables h, p, l, m, guess, correct, x, y endobservables // delays for high sending 0 and 1 (both need to be >1) const int h0; const int h1; // number of messages low can send before guessing const int N; // timeout for low (means a nack and low resends message) const int Tout = 10; // we do not need to model high getting messages and sending acks // as we assume the delay is fixed (depending on what it is trying to send to low) // and only the average time for high to respond influence the time the pump // delays before sending acks to low module high h : [0..1] init 0; // local state // 0 choose bit // 1 done bit : [-1..1] init -1; // bit high is trying transmit // randomly choose bit it is trying to send to low [] h=0 -> 1/2 : (h'=1)&(bit'=0) + 1/2 : (h'=1)&(bit'=1); endmodule module pump p : [0..2] init 0; // local state // 0 get message from low // 1 delaying before ack // 2 sending ack y : clock; // the pump's clock invariant (p=0 => true) & (p=1 => y<=1) & (p=2 => y<=0) endinvariant // get message from low (need high to choose first) [mess_l] p=0 & bit>=0 -> (p'=1) & (y'=0); // random delay before ack based on average from high // this would be letting time pass PTA model [] p=1 & bit=0 & y=1 -> 1/h0 : (p'=2) & (y'=0) + (1 - 1/h0) : (p'=1) & (y'=0); // av. response high equals h0 [] p=1 & bit=1 & y=1 -> 1/h1 : (p'=2) & (y'=0) + (1 - 1/h1) : (p'=1) & (y'=0); // av. response high equals h1 // receives a new message from low // this means low timed out (nack) // so delete old message and start sending an ack for the new message [mess_l] p>0 -> (p'=0) & (y'=0); // send ack (immediately) [ack_l] p=2 -> (p'=0); endmodule module low l : [0..3] init 0; // local state of low // 0 send message // 1 waiting for ack // 2 guess/check value // 3 done m : [0..N] init 1; // messages low can send before guessing guess : [-1..1] init -1; // guess low makes correct : [0..1] init 0; // is it correct or not x : clock; // low's clock invariant (l=0 => x<=0) & (l=1 => x<=Tout) & (l=2 => x<=0) & (l=3 => true) endinvariant [mess_l] l=0 -> (l'=1) & (x'=0); // low immediately sends message and waits for an ack [ack_l] l=1 & m<N & x<=Tout -> (l'=0) & (m'=m+1) & (x'=0); // ack (more to send) [ack_l] l=1 & m=N & x<=Tout -> (l'=2) & (x'=0); // ack (time to guess) [nack_l] l=1 & x=Tout -> (l'=0) & (x'=0); // timeout (nack) // when finished sending immediately guess value high was trying to send [guess0] l=2 & guess=-1 & x=0 -> (guess'=0); [guess1] l=2 & guess=-1 & x=0 -> (guess'=1); // and then immediately check if it is correct [] l=2 & guess>=0 & guess=bit & x=0 -> (l'=3) & (correct'=1); [] l=2 & guess>=0 & guess!=bit & x=0 -> (l'=3); endmodule // reward structures // time rewards "time" true : 1; endrewards