// zero-sum properties

// minimum expected time user 1 can guarantee to eventually send a packet
<<usr1>>R{"time"}min=?[F s1=3]

// minimum expected time users 2 and 3 can guarantee to eventually send their packets
<<usr2,usr3>>R{"time"}min=?[F s2=3 & s3=3]

// maximum probability user 1 can guarantee to send a packet
<<usr1>>Pmax=?[F s1=3]

// maximum probability users 2 and 3 can guarantee to send their packets
<<usr2,usr3>>Pmax=?[F (s2=3 & s3=3)]

// maximum probability user 1 can guarantee to send a packet within a deadline
<<usr1>>Pmax=?[F (s1=3 & t<=D)]

// maximum probability users 2 and 3 can guarantee to send their packets within a deadline
<<usr2,usr3>>Pmax=?[F (s2=3 & s3=3 & t<=D)]

// nonzero-sum properties

// probability user 1 eventually sends a packet
// and users 2 and 3 form a coalition to send two packets
<<usr1:usr2,usr3>>max=? (P[F s1=3] + P[F s2=3 & s3=3])
// should be 1.0+1.0=2.0 as can collaborate
// i.e. first one sends and then the other does afterwards as no deadline

// expected time user 1 eventually sends a packet
// and users 2 and 3 form a coalition to send two packets
<<usr1:usr2,usr3>>min=? (R{"time"}[F s1=3] + R{"time"}[F s2=3 & s3=3])

// probability user 1 eventually sends a packet by a deadline
// and users 2 and 3 form a coalition to send two packets by a deadline
<<usr1:usr2,usr3>>max=? (P[F (s1=3 & t<=D)] + P[F (s2=3 & s3=3 & t<=D)])

// probability user 1 eventually sends a packet by a deadline
// and users 2 and 3 form a coalition to send two packets
<<usr1:usr2,usr3>>max=? (P[F (s1=3 & t<=D)] + P[F (s2=3 & s3=3)])

// probability user 1 eventually sends a packet
// and users 2 and 3 form a coalition to send two packets by a deadline
<<usr1:usr2,usr3>>max=? (P[F (s1=3)] + P[F (s2=3 & s3=3 & t<=D)])

// Nonzero-sum properties (N-player)

// expected time each user eventually sends a packet
<<usr1:usr2:usr3>>min=? (R{"time"}[F s1=3] + R{"time"}[F s2=3] + R{"time"}[F s3=3])

// probability each user eventually sents a packet
<<usr1:usr2:usr3>>max=? (P[F s1=3] + P[F s2=3] + P[F s3=3])

// probability each user eventually sents a packet within a deadline
<<usr1:usr2:usr3>>max=? (P[F (s1=3 & t<=D)] + P[F (s2=3 & t<=D)] + P[F (s3=3 & t<=D)])

// expected time user 1 eventually sends a packet
// and users 2 and 3 form a coalition to send two packets (adding the time for 2 and 3 to send (to allow a comparision with the n-player case)
<<usr1:usr2,usr3>>min=? (R{"time"}[F s1=3] + R{"time23"}[F s2=3 & s3=3])