// both players maximize the expected reward before their battery becomes empty <<p1:p2>>max=? (R{"r1"}[F e1=0] + R{"r2"}[F e2=0]) const int k; // both players maximize the expected reward in the first k steps <<p1:p2>>max=? (R{"r1"}[C<=k] + R{"r2"}[C<=k]) // players 1 maximize the expected reward before their battery becomes empty and the send the expected reward in the first k steps <<p1:p2>>max=? (R{"r1"}[F e1=0] + R{"r2"}[C<=k]) // both players maximize the probability their battery becomes empty // should be 1+1=2 <<p1:p2>>max=? (P[F e1=0] + P[F e2=0])